
Participating in this poll does not incur any obligations or costs whatsoever. Customers who want to take part in the survey are required to make a minimum of one purchase utilizing the services that Dollar General provides in order to be eligible for participation.

Take dgcustomerfirst Survey


Survey by

The capacity of the firm to terminate the DGCustomerFirst Survey, its operations, or the money it generates is not in any way hindered by these circumstances.

The organization is prepared to provide a helping hand; nevertheless, in exchange, each and every valued client is asked to put their utmost effort to each and every project.

Participants have the option of filling out the survey either in person at any approved department store or online at Until you have responded to each and every survey question, you will not be eligible to win the prizes.

Methods for Entering Surveys

  • Online Configuration

In order to participate in the contest, visit and input the survey code that is printed on your receipt from Dollar General. It is required that you provide your complete name, postal address, phone number, and email address when requested to do so in the survey.

  • Admission via Mail

Please make sure that your card is 3 and a half inches by five inches and has the following information: “Mail-In Entry,” Dollar General Survey, PO Box 251328, West Bloomfield, Michigan 48325.

When entering your birthdate in the format MM/DD/YYYY, please supply your complete name (no initials), city, state, ZIP code, email address, and full street address (no PO Boxes). Thank you for your cooperation.